see me get interviewed about my shoe for Vans here: Hello Inkie I'm totally serious here I don't want to contribute right now to the piles of fucking terrible art I see being produced every day more and more I realise the only reason I make art is for the experience of actually making stuff, the feeling of putting paint on canvas or creeping about the streets at night so - auction off my dinner and party ticket. the person who bids the highest gets to be "Dave the Chimp" for the day. I'll send them a t-shirt with "I AM DAVE THE CHIMP" written on it and a stick-on mustache and a disposable camera (which they return to me afterwards so I can post the photos on my blog, then I'll return them with a personal note of thanks). that way THEY get the experience, an experience that only the Artists and Celebrities get to have much more interesting than a shitty screen print of Sarah Palin sucking off a rottweiler or whatever... CHIMP p.s. yes, I AM serious. this is my art piece. in fact, I think it could actually be a really good way for you to get media interest in the event and help raise even more cash for the kids. getting the chance to be a VIP for a day is so much more interesting than another art show... an experience is something that lasts forever in your mind, an experience is worth a thousand Mona Lisa's... why should the Celebrities get to have all the fun while the "little people" are expected to hand over their cash? ;-)
does nobody have anything interesting to say any more? If I see one more mash-up of comic books with company logos and distorted comic book characters I'll puke I'm so clever - I put three eyes on Mickey Mouse and made Snow White look like a porn star! yawn Q: so, why do you attack Disney characters Mr. Artist? A: Don't you know Walt Disney supported the Nazi party??? and? so what? he also created joy for millions of children and inspired hundreds of thousands to draw comics, create movies, make art. so what if his political leanings were dubious. Do you know how many writers and artists and directors and inventors and doctors and scientists, people that have done great things, have supported political parties that later turned out to be shit? most of them. because ALL political parties end up being shit, that's the nature of power - it corrupts. get over it. pictured above is the only thing that ever needs to be said about Disney. end of story. NEXT If I see one more painting of your two dimensional character that has nothing to say and doesn't actually do anything I'll pour bleach in my eyes. I picked up a Calvin and Hobbes comic earlier at a friends place. man, each frame has so much life - the characters have movement and expression, they explode out of the page, reflect the crazy, creative world of children, of fantasies, of dreams. pour out emotions and feelings. And it's just a dumb cartoon that's in the newspaper, tomorrows trash. So why the fuck do I need to see 50 different versions of your character in different colour combinations, when there's more expression of human emotion in one dumb throw-away comic strip? Fucking step up! SAY something! damn... NEXT If I see one more sub-standard Banksy style 'political' stencil which actually has nothing to say, or stencil of a persons face, I will throw myself under a train. Anyone with a computer can print out a photo and make it into a stencil. You wanna make a portrait? then sit down with a model and draw a picture of them. better still, paint it in oils, make it feel alive, show emotion, show the spark that makes humans what we are - then I'll be impressed. You wanna be political? then fucking DO something. stand up and say something. if you're anti the war in Iraq then camp outside Parliament for a year in the freezing wind and pissing rain. don't stencil up a soldier with a Ford logo on his helmet and expect to change the world. how is that gonna change things when the tv shows children with their limbs blown off, kids ripped in two, and nothing changes. you really think your screen print of a gun with a flower in the end is gonna change things when the sobbing face of a human who just lost everyone he loves doesn't touch a single one of us? fuck I'm really happy that the world is in a recession. you wanna know why? I'm happy because people won't have money to spend on your screen print of George W Bush wearing a clowns nose or your canvas of Donald Duck shitting a Coca Cola logo or your sculpture of Captain America dressed as a suicide bomber maybe artists will have to struggle again, and the ones that survive will actually have something to say and all the ones just feeding off the past, off the work of others, recreating a lesser version of work that has an idea or goal, will have to quit playing this game and will go back to being graphic designers making cereal packets and pizza flyers to pay the rent imagine if every artist actually had something to say or had an idea or could at least draw wow. that would really be something... me, I'm not interested in art right now, have no plans to exhibit before Spring next year last night I lay awake for an hour wondering whether I should self-publish the book I wrote just because it seemed like something new for me to do. because it presents some ideas and theories, takes you on a journey, is deeply personal maybe I will, maybe I won't maybe I'll just take photos of tangled wires because I find them interesting or build temples for insects in the woods where no one will see them or maybe I'll do nothing at all doing nothing seems just as good a use of my time as making boring screen prints of Superman wearing lipstick, or stenciling another picture of a childs face in the streets and at least doing nothing doesn't damage the ozone layer or cause any trees to be chopped down... ... ... ... Issue 7 of Very Nearly Almost magazine is being released this week and to celebrate we would like to invite you to the launch party. Thursday October the 30th from 6-9pm at... Concrete Hermit 5a Club Row. London E1 6JX Nearest tubes... Liverpool street and Old street. Issue 7 boasts 84 pages of full colour graffiti and street art. As well as the most recent street activity in London, this issue includes an interview with London graffiti writer Cept148, a look at the recent street art in New York and a feature on the York/London crew and design collective One Trick Pony. Plus a look at one of the best street art projects of the year so far "The Chapel of St Martin" by Dave the Chimp and Nothing But Printing studio. See you there. Cheers George. Join the Little Art Book folk to celebrate the new Rugman print release. Also featuring LAB artists Vilchez, Dave the Chimp, Oh Death, Inkfetish, Superoboturbo, The Krah, Adam Mallett, Sztuka Fabryka, Abe Lincon Jnr, Rourke Van Dal, Henry Reeve, Paintshop Studio, Dan Kitchener, Richard Hogg, Pure Evil & Gabriel Moreno. WIN a pair of Rugmans prints on the night, plus an event screen print for the first 50 people through the door. Music from LAB regulars Oh Death & Adam Mallett. Drinks supplied by Tiger. Tuesday 11th November from 6.30pm. Little Art Book at the Alphabet show runs until Dec 24th. PMH is one of my favourite artists, and favourite people. Twice now I have travelled overseas just to be at the opening of his solo shows, because I knew the party would be dope. he's never let me down! and his art is always dope too. two birds, one stone. WHACK! reeee-zult! anyway, he's been put forward in a competition of "young creatives". the winner gets £10,000! I urge all of you to vote for him, because I want him to win. my reasons are many, but here are ten: 1. His art and photography is incredible and inspiring 2. People don't "get it" and so he doesn't sell much, which sucks 3. He's no good at "pr"ing himself, so not enough people know who he is 4. If he had the money he could quit his job and just do art, which would be amazing! 5. He'd be able to put out more zines (and not just of his own stuff - he puts out zines of other peoples stuff too) 6. He could get a hair cut 7. He could stop living in his parent garage like a high school drop out 8. He'd probably buy us all drinks (he probably would anyway) 9. He could come visit me in Berlin 10. He created the word "rawesome" - like awesome, but just that little bit more raw! so go view this link, laugh at what an idiot he is, then click vote then go check his website: you'll be glad you did... THANKS!!! LOVE YOU xxx I'll be showing 125 new pieces, portraits of Human Bein's, in various moods, from joy to pain, asleep and awake, angry and at peace, confused and enlightened, some riding skateboards, and even one on a fixed gear bike. gay. and each piece is on sale for just 10 euros, so you can get drunk and still afford art. or solve all your Christmas present problems for the price of a pair of designer jeans. opening party, Saturday 11th October Banditen Wie Wir Cäcilien Str 8 45130 Essen Germany time is running out, hurry up and register or lose the chance!
and for the love of God PLEASE DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN! I have no idea if Mccain would make a good president, but I know that Sarah Palin must never, ever be vice president. She must, at ALL COSTS never become the most powerful woman ON THE PLANET! my American friends, please! you are intelligent enough to look at this site, so please don't let me down and let that woman into power - she's a fucking idiot. and what is more scary is that SHE DOESN'T KNOW SHE'S AN IDIOT! she thinks she's intelligent enough to lead you! I admit I know little of American politics, but what little I've seen of this woman scares the hell out of me for the future of this planet. Here's an example: At a Republican rally she made a remark about being a "Hockey Mom" (I assume a Hockey Mom is one of these mothers that support their childrens sporting achievements to a huge extent, probably because their child doing something with their life makes their own empty life seem worthwhile) She got a big cheer from all the "Hockey Moms" in the audience. Then she told a joke Q "What's the difference between a Hockey Mom and a Rottweiler?" A "Lipstick" This got a HUGE applause from the audience ??? She had just called her rabid female supporters a bunch of scary, dangerous dogs - AND THEY CHEERED!?!?! WHAT. THE. FUCK!?!? How stupid are those people!?!? And how stupid is Sarah Palin to not even understand what that joke means? Please, America, think of people like little Mika below. He's only two months old. He's smart enough to like my work. Please don't put his future at risk by letting Sarah Palin into the White House. REGISTER TO VOTE and DON'T VOTE REPUBLICAN!!! ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Kenny McLeish <> Date: 2008/10/2 Subject: Mika To: dave chimp <> Mika loves your work. Whenever he cries, I take him over to one of your pictures and he quietens down and just stares at it. Totally mesmerised. It's the contrast and bold colours. You should do kids books :-) Archives January 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 |